LDN is showing its largest effectiveness in Multiple Sclerosis

This is just an introduction. There is much more information available for those who decide to do the research. We will get you started. You can take the job from there.

At this point, I feel that more people with Multiple Sclerosis are successfully using Low Dose Naltrexone, than for any other health problem. This is starting to change because very dramatic results were shown in a double blind test for its use in Crohn’s Disease and so the word is spreading rapidly in that community as well. The LDN apparently is effective for all auto-immune diseases, so newsgroups are popping up for it use in treatment of just about everything from Hashimoto’s to infertility. But for now, people with MS have been the driving factor in promotion of this safe and effective treatment.

2018 update: LDN use has spread wider and wider. It is being used for all auto-immune diseases, but even more than than ~~ it can help with any disease because it does not work on any specific disease. It works on your immune system and what does not involve the immune system? It will not heal a broken bone, but it can help to keep it from getting infected. At this point, we think of LDN for the average person somewhat like a vitamin pill. You might not feel different instantly, but you know that it is good for you and cannot do you any harm.

A Short History of LDN

Naltrexone, in very low doses, blocks endorphin receptors triggering the body to produce more endorphins. Sounds like a bit of a contradiction, but there are legions of MSer’s who are lined up behind this drug. It also puts to rest the old idea that immune disorders are caused by an “over-active” immune system, or simply a malfunctioning one. LDN realigns and upgrades the immune system, correcting the problems of auto-immune diseases. READ MORE HERE…

My Journey with LDN

My Journey with LDN

I am So Busy Just Living

I have been negligent about updating this story, mostly because I am so busy just living. In March I will be 70. It has been 18 years since being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and nearly 9 years since finding LDN. I recently had somebody ask if I would update my

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My Journey with LDN

Total Remission from both MS and Cancer

Gee, can you imagine 7 years on LDN? Where would I be? WHO would I be? What would be left of me without LDN? Not much, is the way that I see it. I am proud to report today that I am in total remission both from MS and from

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My Journey with LDN

5 Years on LDN

Last May was 5 years on LDN, and a few days ago was 3 years since being turned over to hospice to die. A lot has happened in that time. I know you guys are here for the story of MS, so I will start with the fact that after

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My Journey with LDN

Cancer Diagnosis

This is a harder entry to write. In September 2010, my use of immuno-suppressive drugs and treatments caught up with me, and I was diagnosed with uterine cancer that certainly pre-dated my use of LDN. The immune system does not get into the uterus well, so even my improved immune

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My Journey with LDN

Three Year Anniversary on LDN

Well, it is almost three years since starting LDN and to date, NONE of my symptoms of MS have returned. Sure, I probably still have MS, but if I don’t have to suffer from the symptoms, then it is kind of a moot point, right? Looking back, I know that

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My Journey with LDN

One Year Anniversary on LDN

Today is my one year anniversary on LDN. At this point, nearly all of my MS symptoms have been reversed. First to go was the fatigue. Sure, I’m over 60 and still get tired, but it is an honest tired from actually getting things done. No more of the uncontrolled

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My Journey with LDN

My Story and Why I Care

I was diagnosed with MS in September 2000, when Texas had nearly a week of 100+ temperatures. I had no idea that it was partly the heat that was so debilitating, but it finally landed me in the hospital, where I spent an extra day after the IV prednisone because

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